by asls-romania | Jun 11, 2018 | Cariera, Info studenți, Jobs/Companii, STIRI
GEP oferă locuri de muncă pentru tinerii care au următoarele calificări:
– nivelul C1 – engleză și o altă limbă, sau combinații de limbi (germană, franceză, italiană, suedeză etc.);
– studii în administrarea afacerilor, management, relații internaționale, informatică.
În prezent sunt deschise următoarele poziții: Consultant, Multilingual Purchasing Specialist, Multilingual Sourcing Analyst, Multilingual Senior Associate, Multilingual Senior Sourcing Analyst, Solutions Support Analyst.
JD_Associate Prague
Sr. Associate
Sr. Sourcing Analyst _Multilingual
JD Purchasing Specialist multilingual
JD Solutions Support Analyst Multilingual
JD Sourcing Analyst Multilingual
Alte link-uri utile:
by asls-romania | Jun 1, 2018 | Cariera, Info studenți, Jobs/Companii
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Robotic Process Automation is the hottest new software technology on the market. Join the GENPACT RPA Development Hub and witness fast deployment and real life results of the robots you will program.
by asls-romania | May 7, 2018 | Cariera, Info studenți, Jobs/Companii, STIRI
WPG has been selected by Formula 1™, as their worldwide contact centre provider. We are looking for staff that are; commanding, charismatic, audacious & intense to work on F1™Race Weekends. Be part of the spectacle and we promise you a fun work environment unlike any other job you’ve ever had!
We are offering a great package with 250 – 750 hours of work available during the F1™ – 21 Race weekends from May to November. This is a great part-time job for students or as a flexible second job for anyone wanting to earn some extra income. Make even more by referring your friends!
We are hiring our Race Team now in: English, Spanish, French and German for training in May.
Apply now an become part of our F1™Team! Send us your CV at or visit our web site
by asls-romania | Apr 27, 2018 | Cariera, Info studenți, Jobs/Companii, STIRI
Primary Generalist Support with Croatian
Location: Bucharest
Act as a entry point of contact and provide support to all customers in the assigned country: greetings, Log Interaction, Identification of Customer. This will involve first call resolution for the majority of customer queries and ensuring complex cases are escalated to and followed up by the correct point of contact within Schneider Electric. Queries will include but are not limited to the following:
- Post sales – product return (RMA) and escalation of more technical queries; order management, invoice, deliveries,
- Pre sales – Price and availability, giving a catalogue reference, order entry, quotations, opportunity identification, e-commerce, knowledge management
- Follow up on Leads generated from marketing activities.
Improve Customer Satisfaction by providing a high quality professional Primary Support to customers. Establish a strong and professional relationship with assigned accounts and contacts while assisting the relevant sales team to increase revenue and market share.
Identify new business opportunities, define and quote product from customers’ requests, coordinating with relevant Quotation, Sales or Marketing contact for special prices. Communicate to relevant sales people.
- Provide first level general support pre-sales and post-sales, telephone, mail and electronic to SE customers and partners or assure a proper escalation to the first level technical support: price & availability, product selection, product substitution, answer question on catalog or on-line application, support on on-line self service tools;
- Responsible for answering incoming telephone calls, e-mails, web based tickets and prioritizing customer’s support needs;
- Order Management: enter, change, manage requests related to orders in cooperation with country representatives;
- Provide support to the customers for commercial and logistic returns product;
- Provide support to the customers for solving the logistic and commercial complaints;
- Proactive information communication;
- Complete documentation and follow up on all commitments and customer details;
- Actively create/modify knowledge database;
- Collaborate with Marketing on new product launches;
- Ongoing proactive research and learning about new products, technologies and applications;
- Participate in the interaction centre’s continuous improvement process;
- Liaise between customers, After-Sales and Marketing regarding Product Quality Returns;
- Acts as back-up for the colleagues who offer customer service support in the same language when they are not in the office and/or for the colleagues who offer support in a different foreign language in English when they are not in the office.
- Education: Associate’s Degree requested, Bachelor’s Degree preferred;
- Fluent in Croatian;
- Previous experience in customer support or sales is desirable;
- Working electrical knowledge an advantage.
- Ability to multi task (logging queries while speaking with customers);
- PC skills (Microsoft, Windows, ERPs);
- Basic aptitude for learning technical concepts essential;
- Excellent interpersonal, communications and time management skills;
- Ability to work on own initiative, but also as part of a team;
- Strong verbal and written communication skills are required;
- Flexible and having the ability to learn quickly;
- Previous CRM experience an advantage.
Primary Generalist Support with Serbian
Location: Bucharest
Act as a entry point of contact and provide support to all customers in the assigned country: greetings, Log Interaction, Identification of Customer. This will involve first call resolution for the majority of customer queries and ensuring complex cases are escalated to and followed up by the correct point of contact within Schneider Electric. Queries will include but are not limited to the following:
- Post sales – product return (RMA) and escalation of more technical queries; order management, invoice, deliveries,
- Pre sales – Price and availability, giving a catalogue reference, order entry, quotations, opportunity identification, e-commerce, knowledge management
- Follow up on Leads generated from marketing activities.
Improve Customer Satisfaction by providing a high quality professional Primary Support to customers. Establish a strong and professional relationship with assigned accounts and contacts while assisting the relevant sales team to increase revenue and market share.
Identify new business opportunities, define and quote product from customers’ requests, coordinating with relevant Quotation, Sales or Marketing contact for special prices. Communicate to relevant sales people.
- Provide first level general support pre-sales and post-sales, telephone, mail and electronic to SE customers and partners or assure a proper escalation to the first level technical support: price & availability, product selection, product substitution, answer question on catalog or on-line application, support on on-line self service tools;
- Responsible for answering incoming telephone calls, e-mails, web based tickets and prioritizing customer’s support needs;
- Order Management: enter, change, manage requests related to orders in cooperation with country representatives;
- Provide support to the customers for commercial and logistic returns product;
- Provide support to the customers for solving the logistic and commercial complaints;
- Proactive information communication;
- Complete documentation and follow up on all commitments and customer details;
- Actively create/modify knowledge database;
- Collaborate with Marketing on new product launches
- Ongoing proactive research and learning about new products, technologies and applications;
- Participate in the interaction centre’s continuous improvement process;
- Liaise between customers, After-Sales and Marketing regarding Product Quality Returns;
- Acts as back-up for the colleagues who offer customer service support in the same language when they are not in the office and/or for the colleagues who offer support in a different foreign language in English when they are not in the office
- Education: Associate’s Degree requested, Bachelor’s Degree preferred;
- Fluent in Serbian;
- Previous experience in customer support or sales is desirable;
- Working electrical knowledge an advantage.
- Ability to multi task (logging queries while speaking with customers);
- PC skills (Microsoft, Windows, ERPs);
- Basic aptitude for learning technical concepts essential;
- Excellent interpersonal, communications and time management skills;
- Ability to work on own initiative, but also as part of a team;
- Strong verbal and written communication skills are required;
- Flexible and having the ability to learn quickly;
- Previous CRM experience an advantage.
Customer Support Representative
Location: Bucharest
The primary responsibility of this role is to act as a single point of contact and provide support to all customers in their region, establishing a strong and professional relationship with assigned accounts and contacts whilst assisting the relevant sales team to increase revenue and market share. This will involve
1st call resolution for the majority of customer queries and ensuring complex cases are escalated to and followed up by the correct point of contact within APC. Queries will include but are not limited to the following:
- Post sales – RMA and escalation of more technical queries;
- Pre sales – sizing queries, reseller referrals, opportunity identification, e-commerce;
- Follow up on Leads generated from marketing activities.
Our overall objective is to improve our Customer Satisfaction by providing a high quality professional
Service to APC customers in EMEA.
This role will also be required to ensure that customers are continually provided with timely and professional communications by proactively communicating with customers, regarding their open issues including service orders.
- Providing post-sales support to APC’s customers. Validate entitlement, assisting customers with unit diagnosis, troubleshooting and completing RMA’s when necessary Assure a proper escalation to the 2nd level support when necessary;
- For pre-sales customers this will involve referring customers to local resellers / creating web orders, once customer’s specific needs have been identified. Identifying opportunities and escalating to the correct APC contact. Advising customers on the correct solution for their requirements;
- Logging customer details and problem description for all Customers. Escalating cases to the technical support engineers for advanced troubleshooting and resolution;
- Take complete ownership of all Customers issues until resolution and ensure timely follow up on all commitments;
- Respond to requests on product pricing and features;
- Follow up on leads generated from marketing Identify opportunities from the leads and enter opportunity into InTouch for follow up by sales;
- Provide language support to escalation teams where necessary.
- Education – Bachelor’s Degree requested
- Fluent in German
- Excellent command of English language
- Minimum 1 year experience in customer support is desirable
- Ability to multi – task (logging queries while speaking with customers)
- PC skills (Microsoft, Windows, ERPs)
- Basic aptitude for learning technical concepts essential
- Excellent interpersonal, communications and time management skills
- Ability to work on own initiative but also as part of a team
- Good verbal and written communication skills are required
- Flexible and an ability to learn quickly
- Previous sales experience an advantage
- Previous CRM experience of advantage
by asls-romania | Mar 22, 2018 | Cariera, Info studenți, Jobs/Companii
Grupul de firme Inspire, cu sediul în zona Unirii, anunță selecția a șapte persoane pentru un PROGRAM DE INTERNSHIP în domeniul vânzări.
Suntem o companie specializată pe consultanță în management și formare profesională și vrem să ne mărim echipa! Entuziasmul și responsabilitatea ne caracterizează, fiind genul de echipă unde te trezești cu drag să vii la birou. Echipa este una tânără, dinamică, deschisă către nou și cu dorința continuă de dezvoltare. Nu este nevoie de experiență pentru a te alătura echipei, însă vrem oameni pasionați, deschiși către dezvoltare și doar de tine va depinde dacă vei rămâne în cadrul companiei!
INTERNSHIP-ul este plătit, ceea ce înseamnă că pe lângă experiența câștigată vei avea și beneficii financiare.
Odată trecut de programul de recrutare, internshipul va dura 6 luni. În prima fază vei susține un training pe vânzări, apoi vei putea trece la activitatea de vânzare, urmând ca pe tot parcursul programului să ai suport din partea întregii echipe.
Dacă ești:
- Ambițios, dornic să te afirmi și să îți pui în aplicare ideile;
- Sociabil, comunicativ, orientat către dezvoltare, cu putere de convingere;
- Interesat de domeniul vânzărilor și formării profesionale.
și mai ai și:
- Studii superioare în derulare sau finalizate în ultimii ani;
- Cunostințe bune de operare PC;
- Capacitate de asimilare de noi cunoștinte în timp scurt;
atunci avem nevoie de tine acum și vino să ni te alături!
Beneficiile de a face parte din echipa Inspire sunt:
- Training gratuit pentru vânzări, comunicare și servicii;
- Beneficiu financiar (internship plătit=remunerare fixă+comision);
- Telefon și laptop;
- Oportunitatea de a învăța arta negocierii și tehnici de vânzare;
- Șansa de a-ți îmbunătăți abilitățile de comunicare și de muncă în echipă;
- Oportunitatea de a lucra cu un colectiv tânăr, dinamic și de a lega noi prietenii;
- Program de lucru: part-time 6h (8:00-14:30-30 minute pauza de masă);
- Posibilitatea de a ocupa o poziție ulterior, în cadrul companiei;
- Recomandări pentru viitoare aplicații și oportunități de angajare sau echivalare practică în domeniu.
by asls-romania | Mar 15, 2018 | Cariera, Evenimente, Info studenți, Jobs/Companii, STIRI, Utile studenti
În perioada 14-15 martie 2018, ASLS (Asociația Studenților din Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine, Universitatea din București) organizează târgul de joburi dedicat vorbitorilor de limbi străine, Career Fest.
Career Fest este un proiect organizat anual, reprezentând un mediu propice de comunicare şi informare prin intermediul reprezentanților numeroaselor firme participante. Aceștia vor oferi atât informații legate de ofertele de joburi pe care le pun la dispoziția celor interesați, cât și o scurtă prezentare a unei zile din viața unui angajat. În acest mod, participanții vor putea consulta mai multe opțiuni și vor putea alege un job care să se plieze nevoilor, abilităților și aspirațiilor lor.
Alegerea unui loc de muncă este mult mai ușoară sub un ghidaj profesional, competent şi responsabil. De aceea, Career Fest este locul perfect pentru a cunoaște oameni care vă pot inspira să vă construiți o carieră de succes, împărtășindu-vă experiențele lor profesionale din cadrul companiei la care lucrează.
Vă așteptăm în intervalul 10:00-16:00 în Holul de Marmură din Edgar Quinet, nr. 5-7, pentru a vă găsi jobul ideal și de a vă bucura de surprizele pregătite, printre care și o tombolă. Voluntarii ASLS vor ține porțile facultății larg deschise pentru voi.